Name * First Name Last Name Email * What was the Inspiration for the Tahoe Dreams Beanie Design? * A dream Denise had Going to Scotland Roadside Beanie What the Yarn line that Aubrey, owner of Knits & Knots produces? * What stencil is on the wall at Pioneer Yarn Company? * A bird A plane A chandelier Melanie Berg Doesn't have any yarn or knitting tattoos * True False What is Pam's favorite Knitting bag company? * Gucci Atenti Her great grandmothers purse Totally Rad jess matched! Which two items matched in Heathered Yarn companies videos? * Lipstick & Nails Lipstick & Hair Hair & Eyeshadow Who designed the holland wrap that Michael shows in the video and fashions for the Knitting Nest? * Michael Fleming / Vloedman Michael Franti michelangelo How Many Sheep does Atelier's owner heather have? * 2 0 42 14 Did you buy any kits today? * Yes No If so how many? * 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Thank you!